Japanese Ink Painting
Talia LeHavi on Japanese Ink Painting. A fellow artist at Skylark Galleries in London is Talia LeHavi who has been working with...
Scottish Colourists
The Scottish Colourists More than a year ago I set myself a future programme of blogs. The schedule called for one new blog a week. I had...
I saw two films while I was an art student, and they had a lasting effect on my preconception and understanding of the potential of an artis
Memes and schemes are the lifeblood of a creative lifestyle. Someone, a beloved person very close to me, told me recently that I seem to...
Qigong, Meditation, and Bumpy Paper!
Qigong, Meditation, and Bumpy Paper! Some art is really complicated and other art is really simple. Indeed some artists are really...
Watching paint dry.
Watching paint dry. Last Saturday I gave a demonstration of my acrylic painting technique in the huge, new, Great Art, artists supply shop i
Animals in Art.
ANIMALS AS AN ART SUBJECT. Many artists have depicted animals in their art. Myself included. In my case I have painted our black cat...
Many years later...
Many years later… These two photographs show my daughter and myself [Shyama Ruffell and Colin Ruffell] on a couple of occasions while...
Starve, strive, survive, then thrive. That is the basic formula for an artist to go from the starving artist phase to the thriving artist...
A pot of gold
Did you see my recent email and blog about my new Etsy online shop where you can see Trevor the Black Cat greetings cards? I forgot to...